Temporary Aridity

We were both terrified and shocked when visiting my mom last weekend. We’re so thrilled to spend some time with her during the weekend but horrified as she took as to check our paddy fields.

She told us on Sunday villagers who are mostly farmers would participate in mass poisoning to kill menacing rats that have seemed too powerful over destroying our crop, including corn and watermelon.

When we arrived at the field, Gee, the land was barren and didn’t seem to be able to grow anything. As I searched through our lot, I found a few watermelon spheres destroyed by mice. The watermelon should have been good if rats had not overpowered it.

It’s about time we planted rice again. We are hoping this is temporary aridity that will soon shift into fruitful production of crop. What we think temporary will become at least entertaining our soul that we’ll harvest another grain next season.

The bamboo bridge has witnessed the desolation of the land and will be happy to welcome water flowing down there.

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