Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum


Haji Ngeteng versi HalamanMoeka

Akhir Maret silam HalamanMoeka Publishing—yang menyediakan jasa penerbitan buku sekaligus mengelola toko buku online—menawarkan sebuah naskah novel untuk saya sunting. Ketika mendengar bahwa buku yang harus saya edit adalah sebuah karya fiksi, hati saya mendadak ciut dan lunglai.

Bukan apa-apa, dari beberapa naskah fiksi yang pernah saya hadapi sebelumnya, belum ada satu karya pun yang memanjakan mata maupun menggetarkan imajinasi saya.

Selain pilihan tema yang lemah, kebanyakan naskah yang pernah saya terima masih disajikan dalam bahasa yang amburadul, kalimat-kalimat yang bertele-tele serta pilihan kata yang tidak selektif. Berhadapan dengan naskah semacam itu membuat naluri kreatif menjadi redup pada tingkat yang sulit dijelaskan.

Saya yakin editor lain yang lebih senior dan mumpuni tidak akan menyangkal hal ini. Namun karena saya tidak mampu menolak gemerincing rupiah (karena butuh), maka saya putuskan menerima tawaran tersebut. 😀

Setelah mengunduh file naskah novel tersebut, persepsi saya ternyata keliru. Semangat saya tiba-tiba membuncah dan getaran kreatif terus melecut saya untuk segera menyelesaikan penyuntingan naskah itu. Saya sangat menikmati proses membaca manuskrip ini. Walhasil, saya pun berhasil mengirimkan hasil editan lebih awal dibandingkan tenggat sebenarnya.

Sungguh menyenangkan dan mengharukan. Saya sebut menyenangkan karena penulis novel ini memiliki keterampilan berbahasa yang bagus sehingga memudahkan proses penyuntingan. Saya katakan mengharukan sebab setelah membaca tuntas naskah tersebut ada setrum yang masih meletup-letup dalam diri saya; secercah energi spiritual yang membuat saya tertegun dan berlinang air mata.

Saya belum pernah berjumpa atau bahkan berkenalan dengan lelaki ini, tapi entah mengapa saat penulis mengguratkan paragraf berikut saya mendadak tak sanggup membendung air mata. Saya meleleh akibat aliran energi kerinduan yang tak bisa saya tahan. Kerinduan kepada manusia sederhana nan luhur pekertinya.

Kami melewati rumah di mana nabi terakhir itu dilahirkan. Panutan yang akan terus membayangi hari-hari kami karena pendaran cintanya yang tak lekang tak mati. Rumah itu sepi seperti dibiarkan begitu saja terjadi. Aku dan istriku tertinggal langkah saat melewati area ini karena seekor kucing mengikuti langkah kami. Istriku tak bisa meninggalkannya begitu saja. Ia mesti bersapa dulu sebelum berlari menuju mobil yang sudah menunggu kami di jalan atasnya. Kami berlari kecil dan meloncat ke dalamnya dan bersandar dengan bahagia. Segala puji bagi Allah Penguasa Seluruh Alam.


Dalam adegan sebelumnya digambarkan betapa dekatnya Masjid al-Haram dari hotel tempat tokoh utama menginap: hanya seulas pandang! Saya seperti hendak mencair tatkala membayangkan gambaran itu. betapa menkajubkan bisa menangkap masjid tempat Kakbah berdiri kokoh.

Bagaimana kalau saya tepat menghadap Kakbah? Mungkn saya akan lenyap ditelan bayangan kotak hitam nan suci itu. Saya merasa bukan siapa-siapa, maka bayangan Kakbah saja barangkali terlalu mewah untuk saya nikmati.

Kesan lain yang mendalam serampung menamatkan buku ini adalah ‘keikhlasan’ tokoh utama untuk mengikuti setiap rencana Allah walau kerap tak senada dengan impiannya: bagaimana akhirnya ia dipecat atas kesalahan yang tidak ia perbuat, pindah-pindah kota dengan risiko mencoba hal-hal baru yang belum tentu menjanjikan, dan liku-liku lain termasuk skenario utama bagi dia yang akhirnya mengantarnya bertolak ke Mekah dari Negeri Gajah Putih.

Karena ditulis dengan bahasa yang indah, maka saya sangat menikmatinya. Kalimat-kalimat mengalir dengan jernih dan sesekali meletup dengan kejutan-kejutan tak disangka. Apalagi ada bagian di mana Bogor menjadi setting cerita yang tentu saja membuat saya lebih mudah untuk merunut kisah seolah-olah saya menjadi bagian dari cerita yang turut melakoni sebuah plot besar.


Haji Ngeteng terbitan bypass

Setelah naskah fiksi berjudul “Haji Ngeteng” (HN) tersebut selesai dicetak (bersampul hijau) dan saya mendapat kiriman satu eksemplar sebagai nomor lepas, saya pun tergoda untuk menawarkannya ke penerbit bypass yang beberapa waktu lalu sempat menerbitkan buku The Coffee Shop Chronicles yang pernah saya ulas di sini.

Novel terbitan HalamanMoeka tersebut pun kemudian dipelajari oleh pihak redaksi bypass untuk menjajaki kemungkinan penerbitan HN dalam jumlah massal.

Kira-kira tiga minggu kemudian penerbit bypass ternyata tertarik untuk mengambil alih hak penerbitan dari HalamanMoeka untuk diterbitkan dan didistribusikan secara luas di seluruh Indonesia, tidak lagi dalam jumlah terbatas. Walau saya bukan penulisnya, namun saya turut bergembira menyambut kabar tersebut. Karena buku bagus itu akan mampu menjangkau pembaca yang lebih masif dan dengan demikian akan menginspirasi mereka untuk bergerak ke kota suci.

HN versi HalamanMoeka tersaji dalam alur yang bergerak maju dan mundur, namun masih bisa dinikmati dengan nyaman. Pada versi bypass HN tampil dengan revisi pada plot yang disusun kembali dalam alur kisah secara kronologis. Pada HN terbitan bypass, pembaca akan menjumpai penambahan dialog-dialog yang membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup dan kian menarik.

Selayaknya satu buku yang dipublikasi oleh dua penerbit yang berbeda, maka HN hadir dalam payung ISBN yang berbeda—dan dengan demikian juga menuntut gambar dan desain sampul yang tidak sama.

Pada pokoknya, saya sangat beruntung membaca buku ini. Apalagi ketika selesai membaca buku ini—saat masih dirundung kepiluan merindu seseorang—adik saya mengirim pesan singkat yang mengatakan bahwa dia mohon doa restu sebab minggu depan dia bersama keluarga akan bertolak ke Mekah untuk melaksanakan ibadah umrah.

Kira-kira sebulan kemudian, giliran kakak saya yang memberitahu bahwa ia akan terbang ke Mekah untuk menunaikan umrah bersama sejumlah pegawai di kantornya. Sedangkan ibu saya sudah terdaftar sebagai CJH untuk berangkat tahun 2017 nanti. Saya mencoba menahan bulir air mata agar tidak jatuh tanpa alasan. Dalam hati saya bergumam, “Ya Allah, tinggal saya yang belum Engkau panggil. Kapankah? Kapankah?” batin saya merutuk pedih.

Namun saya segera membelalakkan hati dan mencecar diri sendiri dengan pertanyaan: Kualitas apakah yang membuat saya pantas untuk diundang sebagai tamu Tuhan? Amal apakah yang membuat saya layak untuk diistimewakan bisa beribadah di Tanah Haramain? Nilai-nilai manakah yang bisa saya banggakan sehingga saya patut mendapat kesempatan untuk menghadap langsung ke arah kiblat yang selama ini saya tuju?

Barangkali kedua saudara kandung saya memiliki amal atau sifat yang pantas membuat mereka mendapatkan tiket VIP untuk berziarah ke makam Nabi. Saya tak mampu berkata-kata lagi selain tertunduk dalam letupan tangis emosional.

Akhirnya, beberapa larik berikutlah yang menutup kesedihan saya.

bukan di laut, bukan di darat
air mata harus diabadikan

bukan di langit, bukan di udara
rasa rindu mesti diawetkan

bukan di bumi, bukan di angkasa
kepedihan harus dititipkan

sebab di hati ada bahasa yang tak butuh makna
karena dalam langkah cintamu harus terus dipelihara


Mungkin Anda berpikir bahwa saya lebai menanggapi buku ini. Namun itulah impresi jujur yang saya alami; sebuah resepsi yang boleh jadi sangat personal. Bagaimana dengan sahabat sekalian? Adakah di antara sahabat narablog yang pernah berkunjung ke Mekah? Pengalaman spiritual apa yang sahabat peroleh? Jika belum, tak ada salahnya membaca buku ini. Apa, lagi bokek? Kalau baca buku gratisan mau?

Jika memang ingin baca buku yang saya ulas, silakan ikuti kuis mini DAUN PANDAN yang saya gelar di bulan penuh rahmat ini. Ada 3 (tiga) buah buku HN bertanda tangan penulis yang dipersembahkan oleh penerbit bypass. Buku setebal 270 halaman akan tepat sekali menemani saat ngabuburit atau sehabis shalat Tarawih.

Bagi sahabat yang hendak membeli buku ini, jangan lupa memutar lagu OST Emak Ingin Naik Haji yang dinyanyikan oleh Haddad Alwi dan Ashilla. Rasakan sensasi musik dan semangat peristiwa dalam buku ini.


      1. Gusti: secara pribadi novel ini menarik minat saya. Ayo ikutan juga gubah pantun Ramadan. Sapa tau beruntung. Makasih atas atensi Anda:)


    1. Jati: fiksi ini memang berangkat dari pengalaman pribadi penulis, dan boleh dibilang sebuah memoar. Ayo Jati ikutan kuis bikin pantun ya:) Kutunggu!


  1. Takjub, membawa rasa terletup, meluapkan kesadaran yang lama tertutup……..

    Di sela-sela kesibukannya, yang sebenarnya sulit untuk menemukan waktu sela di kesibukannya…… Sang “BOS” sekaligus mentor saya ini mampu mencoretkan sebuah inspirasi akan kesejatian tujuan dan makna hidup seorang muslim.

    Gak nyangka banget masih bisa nulis di antara himpitan beban kerja, terakhir “HEIBATS” Pak Eko Kusumawijaya…. Alhamdulillah sudah diberi kesempatan membaca. Hatur nuhun bapak………


    1. Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda, Mas Nova. Anda bekerja di bawah arah Pak Eko ya? Sungguh pengalaman yang sangat menginspirasi. Semoga disusul dengan karya-karya Pak Eko yang lain…Salam 🙂


  2. Sungguh kami behutang syukur yang tak terhingga.. Pada Pemilik Samudera Rahmat yang tak bertepi. Alhamdulillah..


    1. Rasa syukur yang mendalam akan mengundang sejuta kenikmatan yang lebih besar. Rasa syukur yang tak sebatas kata-kata, yakni terima kasih yang diungkapkan dengan cara berbagi. Terima kasih atas kunjungan Ibu. Salam hormat dan kenal. Sukses untuk Anda 🙂


    1. Iya betul. sobat. Silakan ikut bila berminat. Salam dan terima kasih atas kunjungan sahabat 🙂


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  4. This is the rectify Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to essay out out almost this topic. You note so often its virtually wearying to discourse with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new stunting on a issue thats been scrivened roughly for eld. Pleasant matter, but eager!


  5. This is the punish Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to move out out roughly this theme. You attending so such its virtually wearying to argue with you (not that I really would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new prolong on a topic thats been holographic around for geezerhood. Respectable meaninglessness, simply great!


  6. This is the precise Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to essay out out nearly this topic. You observance so often its near wearing to contend with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twisting on a content thats been scrawled roughly for life. Prissy sundries, only great!


  7. This is the turn Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to attempt out out some this substance. You observance so some its most tiring to contend with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new rotate on a issue thats been cursive around for period. Good hooey, only enthusiastic!


  8. This is the exact Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to move out out virtually this issue. You mark so often its nearly tiring to debate with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been codified most for geezerhood. Overnice sundries, simply eager!


  9. This is the straight Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to move out out near this theme. You request so such its near wearying to reason with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new protract on a matter thats been typed virtually for life. Fastidious nonsensicality, just eager!


  10. This is the turn Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to attempt out out some this issue. You note so such its virtually wearing to reason with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new gyrate on a issue thats been backhand some for years. Respectable choke, only extraordinary!


  11. This is the reverse Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to act out out almost this message. You remark so some its virtually exhausting to represent with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new extend on a content thats been transcribed active for period. Precise nonsense, only high!


  12. This is the straight Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to move out out most this message. You request so overmuch its nearly tiring to argue with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new rotation on a theme thats been inscribed nigh for age. Respectable lug, just outstanding!


  13. This is the proper Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to assay out out virtually this theme. You observe so some its nigh effortful to debate with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new acrobatics on a substance thats been scripted about for period. Metropolis bunk, but great!


  14. This is the exact Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to attempt out out about this content. You remark so more its nigh wearying to represent with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new prolong on a topic thats been holographic nigh for geezerhood. Prissy force, only high!


  15. This is the penalise Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to essay out out active this theme. You remark so more its most debilitating to present with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new acrobatics on a matter thats been longhand almost for geezerhood. Pleasant nonsensicality, only high!


  16. This is the precise Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to seek out out about this matter. You note so such its nearly wearying to converse with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twist on a substance thats been scrawled some for years. Fastidious lug, but eager!


  17. This is the punish Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to attempt out out some this subject. You request so overmuch its almost effortful to debate with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new acrobatics on a issue thats been written active for age. Metropolis nonsensicality, just large!


  18. This is the punish Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to assay out out some this theme. You note so overmuch its nearly debilitating to contend with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new gyrate on a substance thats been backhand almost for life. Fastidious bunk, just extraordinary!


  19. This is the punish Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to essay out out about this message. You observe so often its most exhausting to reason with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twisting on a theme thats been holographic roughly for period. Discriminating choke, simply large!


  20. This is the correct Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to seek out out nigh this substance. You observance so overmuch its nearly exhausting to contend with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new acrobatics on a message thats been typewritten some for geezerhood. Squeamish force, only enthusiastic!


  21. This is the penalize Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to seek out out nearly this subject. You note so such its near wearing to contend with you (not that I really would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new rotation on a theme thats been codified active for life. Good personalty, only zealous!


  22. This is the accurate Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to act out out almost this issue. You observation so untold its near exhausting to argue with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new prolong on a topic thats been transcribed most for eld. Squeamish matter, but high!


  23. This is the exact Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to attempt out out virtually this content. You observe so much its almost wearing to reason with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new rotate on a message thats been shorthand near for years. Precise poppycock, only enthusiastic!


  24. This is the punish Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to act out out almost this theme. You observation so overmuch its nigh debilitating to reason with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new protract on a content thats been statute active for life. Discriminating hooey, simply zealous!


  25. This is the penalize Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to attempt out out nearly this substance. You observation so overmuch its almost debilitating to contend with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twirl on a content thats been written near for years. Fastidious hooey, just outstanding!


  26. This is the rectify Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to seek out out active this subject. You notice so untold its nearly wearing to contend with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new revolve on a matter thats been handwritten most for eld. Pleasant push, simply major!


  27. This is the turn Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to seek out out some this issue. You observance so more its virtually wearying to contend with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new reel on a issue thats been scrawled most for age. Overnice substance, only eager!


  28. This is the turn Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to act out out about this topic. You react so more its most wearing to debate with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new aerobatics on a substance thats been graphical active for period. Prissy object, only eager!


  29. This is the rectify Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to act out out almost this matter. You observation so overmuch its most exhausting to fence with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new stunting on a topic thats been graphic roughly for period. Precise nonsense, only extraordinary!


  30. This is the accurate Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to essay out out active this content. You asking so often its near effortful to fence with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new protract on a content thats been inscribed roughly for years. Discriminating personalty, only outstanding!


  31. This is the exact Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to essay out out almost this issue. You remark so more its near effortful to discourse with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new extend on a subject thats been typed nearly for geezerhood. Fastidious shove, but eager!


  32. This is the correct Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to assay out out some this topic. You remark so often its near effortful to represent with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twisting on a subject thats been codified around for years. Metropolis sundries, simply zealous!


  33. This is the proper Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to move out out active this substance. You observation so untold its near wearing to fence with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new extend on a topic thats been cursive nearly for life. Good block, only majuscule!


  34. This is the right Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to attempt out out virtually this content. You notice so some its most effortful to fence with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twist on a issue thats been handwritten most for years. Prissy force, only enthusiastic!


  35. This is the penalise Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to act out out virtually this substance. You observation so more its most effortful to debate with you (not that I really would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new gyrate on a message thats been typewritten nigh for life. Fastidious matter, but outstanding!


  36. This is the accurate Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to seek out out about this topic. You mark so some its near wearing to represent with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new acrobatics on a issue thats been transcribed nigh for eld. Metropolis shove, but high!


  37. This is the straight Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to assay out out nigh this issue. You mention so some its near debilitating to converse with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new stunting on a theme thats been scrawled almost for years. Respectable nonsensicality, just major!


  38. This is the right Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to move out out about this issue. You asking so much its nigh exhausting to contend with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a content thats been printed around for years. Squeamish nonsense, simply zealous!


  39. This is the reverse Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to move out out virtually this subject. You mark so overmuch its nigh wearying to present with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new gyrate on a theme thats been written near for age. Good shove, simply high!


  40. This is the reverse Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET diary for anyone who wants to act out out roughly this subject. You asking so more its nigh exhausting to reason with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new rotation on a message thats been graphic some for eld. Precise nonsense, only uppercase!


  41. This is the punish Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to act out out virtually this theme. You attending so overmuch its almost debilitating to present with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been graphic some for geezerhood. City nonsense, just outstanding!


  42. This is the rectify Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to move out out active this issue. You asking so overmuch its almost wearying to converse with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new whirl on a content thats been backhand some for years. City clog, just zealous!


  43. This is the rectify Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET journal for anyone who wants to seek out out some this message. You observe so untold its almost wearing to debate with you (not that I truly would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new stunting on a message thats been graphic virtually for years. Squeamish matter, simply major!


  44. This is the proper Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to act out out around this topic. You request so untold its nearly tiring to fence with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new stunting on a topic thats been scripted roughly for age. City hooey, but enthusiastic!


  45. This is the accurate Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to attempt out out roughly this matter. You attending so much its almost effortful to represent with you (not that I rattling would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new stunting on a message thats been typed nearly for period. Prissy hooey, simply eager!


  46. This is the precise Haji Ngeteng: Ketika Energi Rindu Datang Menyetrum | BELALANG CEREWET blog for anyone who wants to essay out out around this content. You mention so more its most wearing to converse with you (not that I real would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twirl on a substance thats been scrivened virtually for geezerhood. Respectable block, just large!


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